HVAC Routine Maintenance
An Ounce of Prevention
Most likely, you diligently change the oil in your vehicle every few months because you want it to last as long as possible. This same philosophy goes for your home heating and air system.

As your HVAC operates, it experiences wear and tear on its parts. We want to check these components routinely to ensure the best possible performance.
Dust and harmful particles in the air can reduce efficiency, as well as cause damage to the system. Periodically changing the filter will help reduce this concern, but that’s not enough.
Twice per year (fall & spring, typically), you need to have a professional clean and tune up your HVAC. These tune-ups add years to the lifespan of the equipment and cut down on your heating and cooling costs.
Membership Has Privileges
At Empire Heating & Air, we want to make it affordable for you to keep your HVAC system well maintained. We offer an exclusive service plan designed to add life to your system and dollars to your wallet.
The Universal Service Agreement (USA) includes a Spring visit to ensure that your air conditioner is ready for the Texas heat, and a Fall tune-up to prepare your heater for a comfortably warm winter.
Being a USA member not only provides the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your HVAC system is being maintained, but you also receive DISCOUNTS! Our members save 10% on all repairs we make, and 5% on replacements or major repairs. And, you don’t even have to remember to call and schedule your seasonal maintenance each season. When the weather is right for Fall or Spring tune ups, we’ll give you a call to schedule a convenient time to come by and take care your needs.
USA Members Receive:
- Cleaning of condenser coils with water each spring (and fall, if needed)
- Checking and tightening all electrical connections
- Checking capacitors to ensure proper range of capcitance on units
- Measuring compressor, condenser fan and blower motor amp draw to ensure they’re operating within manufacturer specs
- Cleaning interior service cabinet
- Visually inspecting for leaks or oil residue
- Checking for fan blade vibration
- Checking all motor mounts
- Checking for carbon tracking and coil operation on contactor
- Inspecting for pitting/blackening from arcing or weak connections
- Inspecting condenser motor housing for oil leaks or signs of bearing wear
- Checking refrigerant levels/pressures to ensure proper charge
- Visually inspecting heat exchanger on indoor furnace units
- Testing pressure switch
- Testing flame sensor
- Checking gas manifold incoming pressure, and adjusting as needed
- Checking function of HSI
- Checking blower motor amps and draft inducer motor amp draw each visit
- Changing air filter, if needed
- All additional/non typical system components will be inspected in accordance with factory recommendations or specifications for proper function and safety

The pricing for the Universal Service Agreement is $200 per year for one system, and $150 each additional system. To sign up for membership, please call today at (682) 233-3367.